River's Edge Motel

(970) 325-4621

The Peak Dwelling Pika

pikachuLast time we told you more about the bighorn sheep, the official state animal of Colorado. Continuing with our look at some of Ouray’s wildlife, we’re shifting the focus to a comparably tiny animal: the adorably named pika.

Typically found in the higher alpine areas near rocky slopes, the pika is defined by its rounded body and ears, short limbs, and the lack of a tail. They share a close resemblance to their cousin the rabbit, but their ears are considerably shorter. As herbivores, pikas sustain themselves by munching on a variety of plants such as grass and flowers. During the autumn season, they use the time to gather foods like hay and soft twigs, which the pika stores away in its burrow to use as a food source during the winter.

Because of their association with rabbits, pikas are sometimes referred to as a “coney” or “whistling hare”. The latter moniker comes from the high-pitched sound the pika makes when it dives into its burrow. Speaking of sounds, pikas can make several different ones to communicate. Varying in duration, they may be used as a warning signal or as a way to attract the opposite sex. In fact, some of these sounds are considered songs. These sounds also vary based on the season.

This update is provided by The River’s Edge Motel Lodge & Resort. You’ll find five unique types of Ouray Colorado hotels at our location on the banks of the Uncompahgre River, and every single room has a view of the mountains. For more information on accommodations Ouray, amenities, questions about hosting your special event, or hotel specials, please call 888-547-5962. You can also visit us at 110 7th Avenue.

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