River's Edge Motel

(970) 325-4621

Staycation in Ouray

staycayourayA word you may have heard a lot recently is “staycation”. It’s a vacation while remaining close to home and exploring what’s around your area. Maybe you have it done it in the past but it’s been so long you’ve forgotten what it was like.

Speaking of the past, staycations were a regular thing. Instead of jetting off to some exotic international location, families headed to the nearby lake for a day on the water or a nice picnic. Camping, the beach, these are all activities that are now making a comeback despite the easy access to the many wonders and experiences of the world.

So why would you staycation instead of packing your bags and heading somewhere like Dubai? There are several reasons why, like time and expense for example. Since you’re on vacation, you’re free to explore some of the undiscovered secrets of the area. If you’ve never been to a place like Ouray, it’s bursting at the seams with secrets, nature, and an enormously rich history. Plus, you’ll learn more about where you live while saving money too!

This update is provided by The River’s Edge Motel Lodge & Resort. You’ll find five unique types of Ouray Colorado hotels at our location on the banks of the Uncompahgre River, and every single room has a view of the mountains. For more information on Ouray Colorado hotel specials, amenities, questions about hosting your special event, or hotel specials, please call 888-547-5962. You can also visit us at 110 7th Avenue.

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