River's Edge Motel

(970) 325-4621

Book Your Spring Stay with Our Low Rates

Looking for a fantastic spring escape? The River’s Edge Hotel Lodge & Resort is the perfect place to enjoy your spring vacation and experience what it’s like to be among the mountains. If you’ve never seen mountains, trust us when we say that seeing them in person will take your breath away! We would love … Continued

Discover Uncompahgre National Forest

For nature lovers, The River’s Edge Motel Lodge & Resort is something akin to paradise. The mountains provide a great backdrop and there are a wealth of natural sights to explore. Today we’ll be taking a closer look at Uncompahgre National Forest. Uncompahgre National Forest covers over 950,000 acres, spanning multiple counties including Ouray, San … Continued

A Little History Regarding Ouray County

We’ve previously discussed some of the history of Ouray, but today we’d like to expand our horizons on focus on Ouray County as a whole. Just like Ouray, the county is rich in history and provides a wealth of fascinating facts for those who want to delve into its colorful past. Ouray County was “born” … Continued

Staycation in Ouray

A word you may have heard a lot recently is “staycation”. It’s a vacation while remaining close to home and exploring what’s around your area. Maybe you have it done it in the past but it’s been so long you’ve forgotten what it was like. Speaking of the past, staycations were a regular thing. Instead … Continued

Major Changes in Store for the Wright Opera House

Ouray, Colorado is full of historic sights and one of these is the Wright Opera House, one of Ouray County’s many historic and cultural sights. In fact, it is currently listed in the United States Register of Historic Places. The opera house is currently in the middle of a major $1.5 million facelift, aimed at … Continued